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Exceptional Products of Leading Edge Technology

Type of Coating

At Wasco Energy, we pride ourselves in delivering a wide range of coatings for every type of operational and environmental conditions. A result of expertise derived from decades of experience. From our state-of-the-art facilities in Malaysia, Norway China and the United States, we employ only the most cutting-edge technical innovations, integrated solutions, reliability and a proactive approach to deliver only the highest quality products and dedicated support services to ensure and enhance your pipeline assets, no matter where in the world you may be.
Anti-Corrosion Coatings

Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE)

Option 1: A primary coat to protect underground and subsea pipelines from corrosion.

Option 2: A primary coat that provide corrosion protection to pipelines that work under demanding operating environments.

Dual Layer Fusion Bonded Epoxy (D-FBE)

Designed to help protect primary corrosion coat from damage during and after installation of the pipelines.

3 Layer Polyethylene Coating (3LPE)

Designed to provide tough, durable protection from elevated ambient temperatures surrounding the pipelines.

3 Layer Polypropylene Coating (3LPP)

To prevent thermal degradation caused by continuous used of pipelines in high temperature.

Asphalt Enamel

Designed to provide corrosion protection on the exterior surface of pipeline that is exposed to conditions that can lead to external corrosion.

Concrete Weight Coating

Concrete Weight Coating

Designed to deliver negative buoyancy to offshore pipelines by allowing it to sunk underwater in empty state or during operation without being affected at all by any underwater movements.

SURFcoat Flow Assurance Coatings

Multi-layer Polypropylene (Syntactic)

Work excellently as thermal insulation for any pipelines placed in water depth up to 3000m and able to withstand high operation temperature when expose to aggressive environments.

Multi-layer Polypropylene(Foam)

Designed to control buoyancy and handle temperature differential between pipe’s production fluids and its surroundings.

Pipe-In-Pipe/Polyurethane Foam(PUF)

A good thermal insulating properties that is designed to reduce thermal conductivity against thermal environment influences in shallow, deep water.

High Temperature Flow Assurance Coating(NEPTUNE)

A flow assurance insulation system that is design for pipelines to resist extreme temperature and pressure in deeper water.

Glass Syntactic Polyurethane (GSPU)

Designed to control buoyancy and handle temperature differential between pipe’s production fluids and its surroundings.

Flow Efficiency Coatings

Flow Efficiency Coating

Option 1: Designed to increase efficiency of fluids flow, extending the service life and minimizing leaks as the pipelines aged.

Option 2: To minimize the need of replacing existing pipelines caused by corrosion or tuberculation.

Custom Coating

Custom Coating

For corrosion protections applied to a various part of components.