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QHSE Committed

Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Compliant

Quality is one of our key drivers to progress and success. In fact, it’s part and parcel of every process we undertake.

Commitment to Quality and HSE

To ensure our products and services meet – if not surpass – global standards, Wasco Energy extends comprehensive support to bring all processes up to legal and international standards requirements, safely and with the highest quality in compliance. To ensure a safe and healthy workplace, our practices are guided by a highly comprehensive HSE management system which is embedded into our business culture. All activities are conducted and closely scrutinized to safeguard not just employees but also the environment.
Quality Policy

We are committed to excel in the application of pipe coatings by providing best-in-class solutions and services that meets customer satisfaction through the effective management and implementation of our ISO 9001:2015 accredited quality management system. This is in line with the group strategic objective of developing our brand to be internationally recognized, associated with value, reliability and becoming and employer of choice.

Our quality policy is driven by high level of commitment to quality for the best interest of our stakeholders.

We shall achieve these objectives by:

  • Maintaining a disciplined and control-optimal approach to ensure risks are identified, planned and managed.
  • Relentlessy focusing on continuous improvement in operational performance.
  • Implementing a system to enable continuous delivery of timely and appropriate management information to support decision making.
  • Fostering an environment where every employee feels empowered to identify and remove redundancy, duplication, rework and waste.
HSE Policy

We practice internationally recognized health, safety and environment (HSE) standards at each of our operations around the world. We are fully committed to delivering quality products and services while ensuring no harm to people, property and the environment. We take a systematic and structured approach to the management of HSE based on suitable systems. HSE is a core value and an integral part of our business culture.

To meet our objectives, we will:

  • Ensure visible leadership commitment in all HSE matters.
  • Comply with applicable HSE laws and regulations and apply responsible standards where these do not exist.
  • Establish measurable HSE objectives and targets, and appraise and report our performance as a means of ensuring continuous improvement.
  • Promote and maintain a work environment in which each of us is responsible for our own safety as well as the safety of others.
  • Assess HSE risks arising from our activities and implement measures to reduce the risks to a level as low as reasonably practicable.
  • Assess opportunities to enhance our HSE performance while taking into account planned changes to our organization, policies and processes.
  • Provide a safe work place to all stakeholders through consultation with and participation by workers and ensure all personnel are fully trained to carry out their work safely.
  • Promote the efficient use of resources and conduct our business activities in a manner that protects the environment.
  • Ensure effective emergency management plans are maintained to cover all our facilities and locations.
  • Learn from what we and others do through sharing and collaboration.
  • Conduct audits, and take corrective action where appropriate for the purpose of compliance and continuous improvement.

We require that all staff, contractors, customers and visitors adhere to this policy at all times.

Drug & Alcohol Policy

Wasco being committed to the health, safety and efficiency of its employees, will consider seriously any suspicion of substance abuse related to drugs and alcohol by any employees or contractor in the line of duty.

  • The use, possession, transportation or sale of narcotics, illegal drug, contraband, alcohol or intoxicating beverages while on company premises or in any company vehicle, in any personal vehicle on company business, or on any job site of a customer, is prohibited.
  • Drugs, alcohol or other related forms of substance abuse could affect work performance and endanger other employees and company assets. As such, any personnel, who in the opinion of the immediate superior, is incapable of performing assigned work or duties due to such substance abuse, will be subjected to drug and alcohol screening.
  • Company has the right to conduct searches for possession of abused drugs, alcohol or related substances on the suspected person while on premises owned or controlled by the company.
  • Employees who have a substance abuse related problem will be encouraged to seek assistance voluntarily, failing which the suspected employees will be referred to the management for further action in accordance to WASCO-HSE-PRO-9.1-01 Drug and Alcohol Procedure.
  • Any employee determined by the company to have engaged in any of the prohibited drugs and alcohols abuse set forth in this policy upon confirmation by doping center, without any satisfactory explanation to the company, shall be subjected to disciplinary action which shall include immediate termination.
  • Any contractor’s determined by the company to have engaged in any of the prohibited drugs and alcohols abuse set forth in this policy, without any satisfactory explanation to the company, shall be immediately removed from site and prohibited to work in all WASCO site.
Occupational Health Policy

Wasco is committed in protecting it's/our employees from the adverse health effects of the chemical, physical, biological, psychological, and ergonomic risk factors arising from the workplace, and ensuring our employees are fit to work at all time.

To accomplish this, we have put in place procedures and systems of work designed to anticipate and recognize workplace health hazards, critically assessing all company workplaces including reporting and documentation of any findings for both corrective and preventive actions.

Measures to control workplace health hazards will be implemented based on sound principles of occupational health, industrial hygiene and safety standards.

In consideration of employee health and fitness for work, the company will:

  • Comply with all applicable Malaysia occupational health requirements.
  • Perform pre-entry medical screening on all employee.
  • Minimize or eliminate worker exposure to chemical, physical, biological and ergonomic hazards in the workplace through designing out the hazards, engineering or administrative control.
  • Design the facilities and conduct its operations so as to avoid unacceptable risk to worker’s health.
  • Provide suitable clothing or PPE as personal protective measures from work hazards.
  • Carry out medical surveillance and health promotion programs to ensure all employees stay fit for the jobs.
  • Provide adequate welfare facilities and services to minimize work fatigue and heat stress.
  • Provide trainings to inform employees of health hazards in the workplace and the provision of this policy.
  • Conduct appropriate research and communicate any known health hazards of its products and operations to persons who could be significantly affected by such hazards.
  • Advise managers, supervisors and employees of applicable occupational health requirements and hold them accountable for compliances with those requirements.
  • Provide professional staffs to support this policy and empower staffs with the authority necessary to carry out their jobs.
  • Encourage reporting to the HSE department of any deviation from this policy.
Waste Management Policy

Wasco has the responsibility to conduct our business without any detrimental effects on the environment. We comply with all applicable and prevailing laws and industrial standards on waste management, adopting products, systems, and work practices that minimize or reduce waste generation whilst increasing the potential for reuse and recycling of resources.

Effective waste management especially on coating waste in Wasco Coatings Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and Wasco Lindung Sdn. Bhd. shall comply with WASCO-HSE-PRO-8.1-23 General Waste Management Procedure to ensure that:-

  • Waste generation at source should be minimized whenever possible.
  • Finding alternative means for waste disposal by adopting cleaner and sustainable technology.
  • Legal requirements for waste handling and disposal are met.

Minimizing the generation of waste has immediate benefit to the company, from reduced costs, reduced potential environmental liabilities, promotion of a positive public image, and a reduction in the health and safety risks to our employees.

Safe Pipe Handling Policy

Our safe pipe handling policy is in place to ensure all employees are aware of their fundamental responsibility to work safely in Wasco. Employee’s awareness of the presence of hazards associated with pipe handling is important in achieving a safe workplace where no one gets harmed and no property gets damaged.

  • Do not stand under suspended pipe or crane boom.
  • Do not cross over area between two moving pipes.
  • Do not position in the crushing / pinch point of a rotating pipe.
  • Keep safe distance away from moving / rotating pipe.
  • Do not rotate pipe manually.
  • Do not enter conveyor line while pipe is moving.
  • Do not work between two pipes without choke.
  • All workers involved in pipe handling must be trained on safe pipe handling procedures.
  • All truck drivers involved in pipe handling must comply with guidelines for driver (refer HSE form 42).
  • Every pipe movement must be handled by trained and approval panel operator or signalman at a safe distances and location.
  • Supervisors must ensure the workers where handling pipe are trained and certified in pipe handling.
HSE Accountability Policy

Our personal HSE accountability policy is in place to ensure all employees are aware of their fundamental accountability to work safely in Wasco. Employee’s HSE accountability is important in achieving a safe workplace where no one gets harmed and no property gets damaged.


  • Attend daily pre-start briefing.
  • Use mandatory PPE properly while in the Wasco facility.
  • Understand the job hazard analysis (JHA) of the work.
  • Conduct pre-start check.
  • Ask supervisor if in doubt of safety.
  • Report to supervisor on all incidences.
  • Ensure safety and health of himself and other workmates.
  • Follow the health, safety & environment (HSE) rules and regulations.
  • Accountable to stop any unsafe operation.
  • Prevent environmental pollution in daily activities.
Stop Work Policy

All Wasco employees, contractors, clients and visitors are responsible to stop work activities that are considered to be an "imminent danger".

"imminent danger" is defined by Wasco as any condition or behaviour that could reasonably result in death, serious injury, environmental harm or property damage.

Whenever anyone encounters conditions or practices that appear to constitute an imminent danger, such individuals have the authority and responsibility to :

  • Alert the employee(s) or contractor(s) engaged in the unsafe work and request the work to be stopped immediately for corrective action.

Report the incident to the HSE department either thru phone call or walky-talky. The HSE department representative will immediately investigate and notify the associated supervisor or the manager.

Note: When in doubt about an unsafe act or condition, contact your supervisor or Wasco focal person immediately for guidance and support. Refer to WASCO-HSE-PRO-6.1-03 safety observation report procedures for more information.


Wasco is an organization committed towards the compliance of Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514) in creating a conducive working environment for its employees. The company shall take all safety and health measures to ensure the wellbeing of employees from infectious diseases in the workplace.

  • Identifying work activities where employees are likely to have an increased risk of HIV/AIDS infection and reducing the risk through surveillance and monitoring programs.
  • Preparing a safe and healthy environment by ensuring precautionary actions and protection towards infectious HIV/AIDS are in place.
  • Providing information on HIV/AIDS to increase the understanding of the disease while creating awareness on personal hygiene through dedicated health promotion programs.
  • Changing individual perception on the disease and preventing discrimination towards people who suffered from HIV.

All staff and employees are held accountable in achieving the company’s aim to combat and preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS disease in workplace.

The Wasco Care Initiative

Communication. Alignment. Responsibility. Effort.

Launched in 2014, the Wasco CARE program was founded around the company’s Incident and Injury-Free culture. To date, we are constantly pursuing innovative and more efficient means to improve and enhance our safety procedures.

We believe those who would know best are our plant and facility workers. And CARE serves as an open channel for them to contribute and share their thoughts and opinions on how we can better our benchmarks. Encouraging them to Communicate, Align, take Responsibility and make an Effort.

Think Safe Act Safe

Wasco 12 Non-compromising Rules

Watch Wasco C.A.R.E video